Championnat régional de badminton

    Schedule of the games
1st position
2nd position
3rd position
4th position
 SIM BEN M 105 2018-04-07 10:10 
 BG #1
 * S-O: Jason Yang (JDLM) 21
 S-O: Tristan Champagne (FS) 8
 SIM BEN M 106 2018-04-07 10:10 
 BG #2
 * R-S: Alexis Hogues (BG) 21
 H-R: William Santarossa (ENV) 17
 SIM BEN M 107 2018-04-07 10:50 
 BG #1
 R-S: Alexis Hogues (BG) 18 15
 * S-O: Jason Yang (JDLM) 21 21
 SIM BEN M 108 2018-04-07 10:50 
 BG #2
 * H-R: William Santarossa (ENV) 21 24
 S-O: Tristan Champagne (FS) 17 22