Ligue Inter-Club 2019

    Schedule of the games
1st position
2nd position
3rd position
4th position
 * ASB-Brossard M1 (D1)
 0612 U12 M 2019-08-14 18:30 
 Gérard Carmel 1 (9 ou 11)
 * CSL-Fort Nite 6
 St-Hubert-Géants 0
 * St-Hubert-Braves
 0613 U12 M 2019-08-14 18:30 
 Raymond (9)
 CSL-Hackers 2
 * CSL-Kings de Longueuil 3
 0614 U12 M 2019-08-17 15:15 
 Laurier 3 (9)
 * CSL-Fort Nite 5
 ASB-Brossard M1 (D1) 3
 0615 U12 M 2019-08-17 14:00 
 Laurier 3 (9)
 * CSL-Kings de Longueuil 4
 St-Hubert-Braves 3
 0616 U12 M 2019-08-18 15:15 
 Laurier 3 (9)
 CSL-Kings de Longueuil 0
 * CSL-Fort Nite 4
 0617 U12 M 2019-08-18 14:00 
 Laurier 3 (9)
 St-Hubert-Braves 4
 * ASB-Brossard M1 (D1) 5